Pod Script

pod can be used to run ad-hoc programs without having to setup a pods.yaml config file. This can be useful to run one-off scripts or other tools, although it can be limited with which dependencies are available to the script.

script chooses the image based on the file extension and the contents of the script config file. This lives in ~/.config/pod/script.yaml, and is very similar to the containers section of the pods.yaml config:

    name: python
    image: docker.io/library/python:3.9-alpine
    autoremove: true
      .: /src
      workdir: /src
      entrypoint: ['python']
    name: ruby
    image: docker.io/library/ruby:alpine
    autoremove: true
      .: /src
      workdir: /src
      entrypoint: ['ruby']

It’s important that you bind the current working directory to exist in the --workdir, as pod will pass the file as an argument to the container entrypoint, so the file needs to be accessible within the container. You can pass arguments to the program after a -- separator, eg:

$ pod script main.rb -- some other arguments

The container will be named as the name in the config file as well as the input file name.